[mdlug] Roadblock to linux

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Mon Jan 21 13:13:30 EST 2008

Richard Staff wrote:
> Aaron you are just too optimistic.
> I work at a bank.  This dork could be one of our CIO's.
> Or at least upper management.
> They get upset when you bring up Linux or Unix.
> It's Microsoft this or Microsoft that.  .NET forever!
> Peace, Rick

PS.... Find a new job, before the next virus puts them
out of business.

By the way, what bank do you work at?
If it's my bank, I'm moving my money tomorrow.

The thought of my money being accounted for by the most insecure
operating system on the planet is ... frightening to say the least.

You have permission to show this email to management.

> ===========[]
> Aaron Kulkis wrote:
>> - wrote:
>>> Something I ran across.  If this thinking could be solved Linux would
>>> rule.   But unfortunately many business execs still think this way.
>>> http://talkback.zdnet.com/5208-12355-0.html?forumID=1&threadID=31199&messageID=579806&start=43
>> Retards like that get themselves fired eventually.
>> Chances are, he's not anywhere close to having a
>> real impact of the I.T. shop of his company ... and
>> if he does...well, his company will be suffering in
>> the coming years, because many of his competitors
>> ARE making plans to upgrade from XP, not to Vista,
>> but to Linux.
>> Vista is doing the same thing to Microsoft that
>> the IBM PC did to IBM.

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