[mdlug] Hi...I'm a new mdluger

Robert Meier eaglecoach at wwnet.com
Mon Jan 14 22:40:45 EST 2008


>>> ...
>>> o Default installation should not require root privilege.
>>> o Default installation should just copy files, should not require scripts.
>>> ...
>> Maybe I'm not following what you mean by a "default" install,
>> but you said a default install should not require root privileges.

The default installation should be "fail-safe" and "idiot-proof" in that it
can be installed and run without privilege.
The prospective user should be able to try it without fear that
    o you will harm a system you haven't seen (his), or 
    o he will harm his system with software that he hasn't seen (yours)
beyond what he can do as himself.

>> By "default" do you mean something like "trial" installation?

I deliberately avoided the word "trial" because it has been abused
in reference to "hobbled" software,
which is often unnecessarily restricted in usability,
and often excessive in probing and spyware features.

>> Writing to /opt does [require root privileges].
>> Would this run from the tester's ~/bin/ directory?
> ... that's one way of doing it.
> ... or making the installed directory tree relative to the
> current directory
   bash-guest> mkdir -p ~/opt/gas
   bash-guest> cd ~/opt/gas
   bash-guest> rpm --root ~/rpm -i gas...rpm # install
> (so root can mkdir /opt/name_here)
> and install appropriately
   bash-root# install -o guest -d /opt/gas
   bash-guest> cd /opt/gas
   bash-guest> tar -zxvf gas...tar.gz # begin install

If an rpm, this means it should be relocatable.
If a tarball, it should be relative.

Robert Meier

  "Polygraph tests are 20th-century witchcraft."
     -- Sam Ervin

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