[mdlug] OT - IR jamming

Brian Hurley brian at detroitindustrial.org
Tue Feb 19 23:34:37 EST 2008

On Monday 18 February 2008, Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> Brian Hurley wrote:
> > If FCC lables freak you out, watch out for the "DO NOT REMOVE UNDER
> > PENALTY OF LAW" lables on your mattress and pillows.
> That only applies to sellers, not consumers.
> If you don't believe me... READ IT.

My previous response to this was a bit glib. 

A more serious would be that yes I've read it. Perhaps you're too young to 
rmember when it didn't have the line "...EXCEPT BY CONSUMERS". The reason 
that was added was to allay just the sort of paranoia we're seeing on this 
list about the FCC label. 


Brian Hurley
Detroit Industrial Underground

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out 
the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.
--Frederick Douglass

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