[mdlug] Meeting Saturday (Tomorrow) Pat Bake presenter

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Sat Feb 9 11:33:32 EST 2008

Raymond McLaughlin wrote:
> MDLUGers,
> MDLUG meeting 12:30 tomorrow. See website <mdlug.org> for location details.
> Pat Baker has stepped into the breach and will be doing a presentation
> on openVPN and, time allowing tor.
> We hope to see you there.

Doesn't look like I;m making it this month. 

Progress on Darth Beemer for the club burn box is coming along.  I have
the larger hard drive installed.  I need to start downloading ISOs form
the web. 

So far the list include:  openSUSE, Unbuntu, Debian, Fedora Core, DSL,
any weird distro in my folder.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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The Olde Phoenix Inn Http://phoenixinn.iwarp.com

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