[mdlug] Hideous script for recursively renaming a directorytree tolower case

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Feb 4 14:14:21 EST 2008

> From: Jeff Hanson

> Thanks.  That worked much better.  I must have overlooked the option
> in the man page.

 Find's syntax is, um, kind of baroque. Not the same as "broke", though sometimes
I wonder. :->


 Ray Ingles                                       (313) 227-2317

 Joe and Suzanne Werfelman of Sciota, Pa., were shocked to hear
 from their son, Richard, a 23-year-old law student called up by
 his military-police unit, that he had been issued a protective
 vest without the plates that stop automatic-rifle rounds. They
  bought and shipped the plates themselves, at a cost of $660.
              ("Support the Troops", indeed.)
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