[mdlug] Python 3.0 to be backwards incompatible

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Sun Feb 3 20:27:32 EST 2008

On Sun, 3 Feb 2008 17:01:46 -0800
Kristian Erik Hermansen wrote:

> On Feb 3, 2008 1:14 PM, Richard Staff <rstaff at sprynet.com> wrote:
> > Hey, I didn't know that Python was a Microsoft product!   ;-)
> > Will there be conversion tools or at least analysis tools that can
> > identify where changes must be made to 2.x code?
> Google is leading the charge on Python 3000, so we'd have to assume
> that they will make it easy to transition.  They have the resources
> :-)
> -- 
> Kristian Erik Hermansen
> "Know something about everything and everything about something."


Have you any links indicating planned changes going into Python 3 ???

Given a while I'm sure I could come up with more than a few things that
annoy me in the current Python.  It'd be interesting to see if the
plans address any of my thoughts.


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