[mdlug] Centralized package management tools

Michael ORourke mrorourke at earthlink.net
Mon Dec 1 09:29:29 EST 2008

Lug nuts,

I'm looking for some recommendations, specifically for the CentOS 5.2 
distribution, for a centralized package management system or tools.  I've 
spent some time doing vaious Google searches, but haven't found what I was 
looking for aside from basic tools such as 'yum' and 'up2date', which are 
designed to run on a single host.  I was hoping that I would stumble upon 
some existing tools that could be leveraged in an existing environment.
What I would really like is:
* Gui tools (browser based).
* Internal centralized server (package repository).
* Centralized management (for development, QA, & production).
* Ability to schedule updates and manually push updates.
* Auditing capabilities (which servers have what packages installed).
* Ability to manage servers by group (e.g. Dev App servers).

Running 'yum -update' from cron on each server isn't a good strategy, 
especially when it comes to production systems.  I would like to have the 
capability to pull down patches to a centralized server, then push the 
patches/updates to the development/QA environment, and finally out to the 
production systems after testing is completed.
Is that too much to ask for.  :-)
Any suggestions/recommendations/ideas?


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