[mdlug] [Fwd: [penguicon-general] OT: 18 Tech / Finance jobs in Livonia]

Garry Stahl tesral at comcast.net
Sat Aug 30 01:36:34 EDT 2008

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[penguicon-general] OT: 18 Tech / Finance jobs in Livonia
Date: 	Tue, 26 Aug 2008 18:46:05 -0400
From: 	Steve Gutterman <stevegutterman at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	penguicon-general at penguicon.org
To: 	stilyagi at stilyagi.org, penguicon-general at penguicon.org, 
michiganfandom <MichiganFandom at yahoogroups.com>

Pardon the off topic post, but with the economy hereabouts being the way 
it is, there's always a lot of interest in job opportunities.  My 
company (WorkForce Software) is having a gangbusters year, and as a 
result needs a *lot* of positions filled.  We've got 18 openings right 
now, and likely more to come later.  We're a time and attendance 
software company in Livonia, right at the I-275, I-96, M-14 junction, 
and only 20 minutes from Ann Arbor.  Here's what we're looking for, most 
of these positions have multiple openings:
  * Software implementation project managers - Good experience in 
implementation and customer managment
  * Project manager assistants - For recent college grads with little 
experience but good organizational skills, being a whiz with Excel 
macros or Visual Basic is a big plus!
  * Implementation consultants - Prior experience in analysis and 
requirements documentation, some travel required.
  * Technical implementation consultants - Requrements analysis for 
interaces and data transfer, a configuration and programming 
(SQL/Javascript) position.
  * Configuration specialists - Software configuration, you should have 
a few years of light programming, analysis, or implementation experience.
  * Support analysts - A support desk position heavy on analysis and 
problem solving. Criteria is same as the configuration specialist, 
you'll be trained that way first before moving to support.
  * Junior configuration specialist - Entry level position for college 
grads, similar to configuration specialist but in simpler areas.
  * Software trainer - Just what it says! Become a subject matter expert 
in using the application and training, quite a bit of travel.
  * Finance & marketing analyst - Background in finance or marketing 
(2-4 years) and able to assist in financial forecasting or modeling. MBA 
or equivalent experience preferred.
If you're interested (or want more info) please contact me directly with 
your resume at SteveGutterman <at> hotmail.com <http://hotmail.com>.  
We've finally started an employee referral bonus program, so I want the 
credit! :)  If you'd prefer to just send your resume in through our 
website at www.workforcesoftware.com 
<http://www.workforcesoftware.com/>, then be sure to use my name as the 
person that told you about the opening.  (And it WILL make a difference 
in whether your application gets looked at - they'll ask me about it.) 
If you think you've seen me post about jobs with this company before, 
you're right.  The company is small, but successful and growing, and we 
constantly are adding people.  Many of these jobs are for brand new 
positions we've never had before, not the same slots being recycled.
Thanks, and good luck!

"Don't fully trust anyone until he has stuck with a good cause which he 
saw was losing." -- Morton Blackwell's "Laws of the Public Policy Process"

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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