[mdlug] OT: Home Network Wiring ?

Rich Clark rrclark at rrclark.net
Wed Aug 13 14:32:27 EDT 2008

The link works fine if you copy/paste it manually to Firefox 3.

I agree, though, that moving to a better board meant to handle CAT5 or
CAT5e would be a better choice than one meant to handle CAT3.


On Wed, August 13, 2008 2:26 pm, Wojtak, Greg wrote:
> Hmmm, that link doesn't work for me, either.  Doing a search on
> 'leviton' at Home Depot's site doesn't offer anything useful either...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf
> Of Ron Blanchett
> Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 1:40 PM
> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] OT: Home Network Wiring ?
> Greg,
> I have that same box in my house and the punch board in your box is
> for phone only.
> Leviton does make an Ethernet Punch board ($25.00).
> I would suggest going to your local Home Depot and looking for one.
> http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeI
> d=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&productId=100062860&N=10000003+90072
> Then rewire the bottom jacks in all your rooms to the ethernet board
> with at least cat5e cable.
> I am getting ready to do this in my home sometime in the next 6 months
> (winter project list).
> -Ron
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Wojtak, Greg
> <GregWojtak at quickenloans.com> wrote:
>> I figured that there is more than enough brain power in this list to
>> help me out with this networking set up.  I have one of the Leviton
>> central home data/comm wiring setups.  In each room, I have a dual
> RJ-45
>> jack.  The orange and blue pair are tied to the top jack, and the
> brown
>> and green are tied to the bottom.  In the garage is a punch down block
>> with 9 slots on it, labeled 0 - 8.  Looking at the board itself, it
>> looks like the paths simply tie each wire together, ie there is a
> trace
>> running from wire 1 from slot 0 all the way down to slot 8.  How can I
>> wire my cable modem into this to get phone and teh internets in each
>> room?  Is that even possible from what I've described?
>> My original thought was that I could run a piece of cat5 from the
> cable
>> modem to block 0 on the board, which I presume to be an input and
> punch
>> in the orange and blue pair.  Since our phone is tied through the
> cable
>> modem as well, I was going to then punch in a phone cable from the
> phone
>> jack on the cable modem into the remaining slots.
>> Anyone have any ideas on this?  I can clarify on any points that are
>> unclear.
>> Thanks!
>> Greg
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