[mdlug] Shows how old I am.

Bhaskar Navaneetham Bhaskar at anitej.com
Wed Apr 16 23:47:40 EDT 2008

Hello Mike,

By speaking the usb technology, past 6 month i am working on this project to
configure beyond OS and its not rocket science for a genius like you. call
me if you need me.


On 16/04/2008, Raymond McLaughlin <driveray at ameritech.net> wrote:
> Mike Ward wrote:
> > You guys have heard of this wonderful invention called "hard drives",
> right?
> Oh yes, those delicate old mechanical things. I have heard of them,
> they're unsuited to high portability.
> > Heh, joking aside, I don't get the big deal with these flash drives. Why
> do
> > I need to carry around 16GB that often?
> I have a 4G for my "regular stuff". I got the 16 G for carrying around a
> collection of ISOs. Also I'm hoping to make them bootable. So far I can
> select to boot either Knoppix or Ubuntu 6.06, but only from files in
> directories in the file system, not from the ISOs proper. My first
> priority was to make the USB key bootable, and my first googling brought
> up instructions for using isolinux to make the stick bootable. Getting
> knoppix to boot was deceptively easy.
> Since then I've taken a three pronged approach: googling for
> instructions and tips from others who have done it before, reading the
> startup scripts, and hacking the same, trying to get ubuntu 7.1 and/or
> mepis to boot from the stick.
> Maybe I should switch direction back to booting ISOs...
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