[mdlug] I need a script Hero

Rich Clark <rrclark@rrclark.net> rrclark at rrclark.net
Thu Apr 10 07:42:25 EDT 2008

On Thu, 1 Feb 2007, Aaron Kulkis wrote:

> Rick Renshaw wrote:
>> Jeff,
>> I know you already solved the problem, but when testing shell scripts the -x argument can help.
>> sh -x setup.sh
>> --- Jeff Hanson <jhansonxi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Adding the parenthesis resulted in:
>>> sh setup.sh
>             ^^
> EWWWWWWWW  ... never got DOS out of your head, have you...
> Just call it 'setup' like normal Unix and Linux users...

And then 6 months later, when you've forgotten why you wrote the file, 
you'll have to either 'cat' or 'file' it to see what it is anyway, rather 
than just glance at the file name to see that it's a shell script.

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