[mdlug] home hosting

Rich Elswick painbank at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 13:29:46 EDT 2008

yes, I would say both.  For Bandwidth (or load as I called it above), it is
partially the connection and partially the size of the audience as well as
the size of the files.

For video, you might see say, 100 megs per episode (if we are talking the
podcast production norm) for video and audio you would probably see 20-30
megs per 30-60 minute show.  Shorter shows = easier in a variety of
different senses.

Now, say you get 50 subscribers, that would be 5 gigs for video and 1-1.5
gigs per audio.  Normally shows are produced 1/week, so your talking about
20 gigs per month for video, or 4-6 gigs for audio.

Say you get lucky and hit 500 subscribers, then your talking 200 gigs per
month and 40-60 gigs for audio.

Then there is the RSS ping hits.  Then there is also the issue of if you
don't have some sort of cache scheme ready to dole out the downloads or
limit them in some fashion, this would all occur within 24-48 hours of you
posting the next show up.  Can the machine also handle this load?

Then there is the issue of most residetntial contracts for high speed
bandwidth explicitly state you are not allowed to host a server from your
own connection (not in those terms of course).

There is a reason www.Libsyn.com <http://www.libsyn.com/> has been so


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:55 PM, Raymond McLaughlin <driveray at ameritech.net>

> Rich Elswick wrote:
> > other than the security related items I am sure others will mention,
> there
> > is also a difference between video and audio for hosting podcast files.
> >
> > Then there is the question of can your system handle, oh say the load of
> a
> > digg on a podcast episode?
> >
> > As you grow, you will probably find out the limits I am sure.
> >
> > Rich
> Aren't these limits as likely to be with the bandwidth of his connection
> as with the capabilities of his system?
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Rich Elswick

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