[mdlug] Job posting for game porting to Linux

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Mon Sep 17 11:31:45 EDT 2007

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org 
> [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf Of Aaron Kulkis
> Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2007 1:35 AM
> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Job posting for game porting to Linux
> Jeff Hanson wrote:
> > If you know anything about current class A gaming companies 
> then you 
> > know how significant this is:
> > www.valvesoftware.com/job-SenSoftEngineer.html
> They want all that work done by ONE person?
> Just what ARE they smoking?

	They are smoking, "Microsoft is pissing us off by forcing DirectX10,
when no-freaking-body is running to Vista and they refuse to backport that
crap to WinXP and so we are losing f'ing money hand over fist."

	The last I read, only something like 2.7% of the market has
DirectX10 capable systems with Windows Vista installed. MS has been
extremely pushy on making publishers produce "DirectX10 Only" games and
those publishers are now saying, "WTF! These are hot titles and almost
nobody bought them, what the hell is going on here... Oh, crap, to few
people have DirectX10 capable systems... The market for these games simply
didn't exist..."

	Valve has come out and lambasted MS for their DirectX10 push and is
extremely pissed about the whole thing.

	I am guessing that this is more of a thumbing their nose at MS than
anything else. Although, this could also just be the very beginning of
looking into a greater push into providing Linux supported games. Since it
is a Senior position, they might be wanting this person to be more of the
angle of seeing how possible such a feat would be and the consider hiring
additional porters.

	Honestly though, they'd be better off, financially speaking, to
continue to develop games for Windows XP and screw Vista, until nearly 90%
of the market is actually running Vista PCs. (Which really might not

	If MS continues to push Vista and its annoying bits that are getting
in the way of people doing what they want/need to do, Linux (Apple probably
first) really would have a very strong opportunity to see some growth.


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