[mdlug] Fashion-sensitive buys unix (iMac)

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 00:14:22 EST 2007

On Nov 22, 2007 9:04 PM, Robert Meier <eaglecoach at wwnet.com> wrote:
> Trend watchers,
> A friend who for the last decade has been a staunch Microsoft and
> Windows advocate just knowingly bought an iMac, after last year
> (unknowingly) buying a linux-inside box.

For the masses no amount of usability studies, cost/benefit analysis,
security aspects, and stability comparisons can have as much impact as
just being "trendy".  It's a fundamental property of being a sheep -
don't do anything risky but don't be left behind when the rest of the
herd jumps off a cliff.

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