[mdlug] Fashion-sensitive buys unix (iMac)

Robert Meier eaglecoach at wwnet.com
Thu Nov 22 21:04:33 EST 2007

Trend watchers,

A friend who for the last decade has been a staunch Microsoft and
Windows advocate just knowingly bought an iMac, after last year
(unknowingly) buying a linux-inside box.

This friend is a reliable indicator of what is fashionable.
For over a decade they have disparaged unix,
multiple desktops, permission systems,
and in particular both Mac and linux,
as "criminal" and "unusable".
The sudden change comes as a shock,
and within my experience,
a reliable indicator of change in social standing.

My fear is that they generally accept anything only after it has
become monopolized with a crippling markup.
I hope that linux is not so destined.

Astoundly reporting,
Robert Meier

  "In theory, theory and practice are the same.
   In practice, they are different."
		-- unknown

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