[mdlug] A big opportunity for Linux?

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Tue Nov 20 18:51:26 EST 2007

Robert Adkins wrote:
>>>> You can view/edit file ACLs from nautilus... nope.
>>>  What, specifically, do you need ACLs for that can't be 
>> accomplished 
>>> with more traditional u/g/o permissions?
>> A user wants two other user's to be able to edit their file, and the
>> secretary to be able to read the file?    The u/g/o permissions from
>> UNIX are basically useless to users.
> 	Linux does support ACLs.
> 	Just Google: ACLs for Linux (no quotes required)
> 	...and you'll find plenty of hits regarding various methods for
> setting up and using ACLs in Linux.

> 	As a test, I opened up a web browser connection to my server and
> connected to Webmin. Webmin as a nifty Java based File Browser that supports
> the underlying elements available on the Filesystem.
> 	I created a testfile and then added extra users as having rights on
> that file, such as Read Only.
> 	It appears, without doing anything extra, that my recent
> installation of OpenSuSe 10.3 supports extended ACLs out of the gate.

I've yet to come across a situation where they were
actually needed, even in the workplace.

> 	-Rob
> P.S. You know this is a Linux User Group list, right? It really seems like
> you are talking about 5+ year old problems as being current issues and
> reasons not to use Linux. I'd hazard to suggest that it is almost FUDish.
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