[mdlug] Darwinia game at Big Lots for $4

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Mon Nov 19 18:59:56 EST 2007

Joseph Vartanian wrote:
> On Nov 19, 2007 8:38 AM, Ingles, Raymond <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:
>> This weekend I saw the Windows version of the game Darwinia on sale at our local
>> Big Lots store for $4. The game has a native Linux executable for download, and runs
>> wonderfully in Linux. It's an interesting game, and isn't like the usual stuff. It
>> also has a unique look, simple but pleasing graphics. For that price, I think it's
>> well worth picking up. I got it for full price when it came out and I don't feel
>> cheated. As a bonus, it doesn't take up GB of space on disk; the environments are
>> fractal and the data files small.
>>  The Linux install is here: http://www.darwinia.co.uk/support/linux.html
> The site says "Your task is to destroy the Viral Infection and save
> the Darwinians from extinction."  Wouldn't Darwin say that the
> extinction of the Darwinians is natural selection?

Only if the Darwinians do nothing to resist -- otherwise,
the outcome is contested, but the result, whatever it
might be, will still be Darwinian natural selection.

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