[mdlug] What Intel Giveth, Microsoft Taketh Away

Brian Hurley brian at detroitindustrial.org
Sat Nov 17 09:04:46 EST 2007

On Saturday 17 November 2007, Michael Rudas wrote:
> I mention this kind of thing on a Linux list because most peoples'
> perceptions of what a computer IS are so heavily influence by
> Microsoft software, so it impacts us all -- and MS has become an
> anchor, dragging all computer users to the briny depths of Trojans,
> spyware, and wasted computer power...
> "Case in point: Microsoft Office 2007 which, when deployed on Windows
> Vista, consumes over 12x as much memory and nearly 3x as much
> processing power as the version that graced PCs just 7 short years ago
> (Office 2000)."
> <http://exo-blog.blogspot.com/2007/09/what-intel-giveth-microsoft-taketh-aw

I wonder how many X memory and processing power KDE or GNOME system using 
Star/Open Office has increased since 2000. Bloatware isn't a MS-only 

Brian Hurley
Detroit Industrial Underground

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out 
the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them.
--Frederick Douglass

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