[mdlug] Catering items

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Mon May 21 21:18:58 EDT 2007

On 5/21/07, Robert Meier <eaglecoach at wwnet.com> wrote:

> > 6. Faygo Diet Cola
> I wouldn't get Faygo.
> In the past, we've had trouble with Faygo and other corn syrup brands
> not being sold.

"Other corn syrup brands"? You mean like Coke, Pepsi, Jolt, Faygo,
Meijer, Big K, etc, etc? The world revolves around high fructose corn
syrup. Can't hardly find a loaf of bread without it, much less a
non-diet beverage. I think Jones soda *might* use sugar instead of
corn syrup. Not sure.

AOL IM: wolf4coyot
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