[mdlug] Fwd: Fwd: Ubuntu vs. FedoraCore vs. SuSE

God of Lemmings god_of_lemmings at usol.com
Sun May 13 16:32:28 EDT 2007

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Wolfger <wolfger at gmail.com>
> Date: May 13, 2007 12:25:58 PM EST
> To: "MDLUG's Main discussion list" <mdlug at mdlug.org>
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Fwd: Ubuntu vs. FedoraCore vs. SuSE
> Reply-To: "MDLUG's Main discussion list" <mdlug at mdlug.org>
> On 5/13/07, God of Lemmings <god_of_lemmings at usol.com> wrote:
>> Prepare for a rush of people saying which distro has been best for
>> them...
> Sometimes I think it's a Linux user's favorite pass-time.
>> Personally, I went Ubuntu -> Suse 10 -> Gentoo on AMD64,
>> The initial setup was a headache, but after that it has been pretty
>> nice.
> I do strongly recommend Gentoo to anybody with a powerful machine and
> the stamina to make it through the install process. A word of warning,
> though. Do *not* use the 2007.0 LiveCD install. Many users are
> reporting bugs. For myself, it wouldn't set up any partitions, but it
> did erase the old ones, immediately and without warning (as opposed to
> the normal "doesn't actually do anything until you commit"
> partitioning). I'm currently downloading Sabayon (a Gentoo derivative)
> to give that a try. And the old school Gentoo install (basically a CLI
> with a C compiler, and a whole lot of manual work) should still work
> fine. Once Gentoo is up and running, I find it to be the easiest
> distro to maintain.

Right. I'd also recommend never using the livecd to install,  even a 
2006 or 2005 one.
Instead use the minimal/install CD + package CD.

considering it was release

> -- 
> Wolfger
> http://wolfger.wordpress.com/
> http://1fjordaroad.wordpress.com/
> AOL IM: wolf4coyot
> Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
> Skype: wolfger88
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