[mdlug] Problems with new kernel and iptables

Mike Lists at addictz.org
Sat Mar 31 13:58:18 EDT 2007

Guys, I'm wondering if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong
here.  A couple of months ago, I accidentally blasted away the
config that I used for kernels, and so I had to build myself another
kernel by hand, but I keep running into problems with iptables.  I'm
not sure what is going on.

When I try and load my firewall, I get the error message:

FATAL: Module ip_tables not found.

Repeated several times.  When I try to input lines like:

iptables -A INPUT  -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp  -m multiport  --dports
80,443  -m state --state NEW  -j ACCEPT

is when I the error message.  I think it might be a problem using
the -m multiport flag?

Attached is a copy of my kernel's .config, and also, after I build
the kernel, I have tried doing a fresh install of iptables 1.3.7,
using the new kernel's includes.

Anyone see anything obviously wrong in my kernel config?


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