[mdlug] Regular Expression Library?

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Wed Mar 28 14:28:49 EDT 2007

Wojtak, Greg a ecrit:
> I am in the middle of writing a program in C which will require some
> regular expression parsing.

Try PCRE: http://www.pcre.org
It's used by a lot of programs written in C/C++, and is probably the
most commonly used regexp library in Linux. Another benefit is that
it's included in a lot of distros.

> BTW, before someone says, "Why not write it in Perl?" - because I
> don't want to.  :-P

Don't worry, there's still a good chance some Perl fanatic will
insist that "Perl is the right tool for this". :) PCRE is close
enough, since it uses the same regexp syntax as Perl without
actually being Perl.


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