[mdlug] GNUCash (Was: Knoppix from Windoze)

Richard Staff rstaff at sprynet.com
Wed Mar 21 00:54:13 EDT 2007

I am a Quicken refuge.
When I switched away from Quicken, I started with GnuCash.
GnuCash did a fair job of importing Quicken account items and balances.
However, some balances were severely out of whack.
I ended up deleting such accounts and recreating them with a starting 
After about a year of use, GnuCash froze up and refused to continue to 
work with my accounts.
That is when I abandoned GnuCash and switched to KMyMoney.
It is KDE based and does look a heck of a lot nicer than GnuCash.
11 months of use so far, and I like KMyMoney's reports, but let's see if 
it makes it past a year.
My $0.02 cents worth (USD)
Stan Green wrote:
> Jus for the record....
> Quicken (at least version 2004), put the data files where you want them. I 
> keep them in a Quicken directory, along with backups on a separate machine.
> OK, so Quicken is one of the few reasons I still have Windows around. I would 
> like also like to move to a Linux base solution. It has been said that GNU 
> Cash is not ready. Why? Also, is there any way to run it in KDE? I seems to 
> be a Gnome only program.
> Thanks,
> Stan Green
> On Monday 19 March 2007 13:16, Robert Adkins wrote:
>>     Quicken does create a clear datafile.
>>     They just store it in an unintuitive area. They store the data file
>> within the program file directory of the application. We use Quicken at
>> home to keep track of things.
>>     As Evan said, gnucash just isn't a really good substitute. I keep
>> looking at it and hoping, it just keeps missing the mark.

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