[mdlug] Debian help

Mathew Enders mathew.enders at prodigy.net
Fri Mar 16 11:41:55 EDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 07:58 -0700, jack freeman wrote:
> What time and where is this meeting at, i think i can hold off on the
> st paddy days parties till later in the day.
> thanks 
> jack
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Mathew Enders <mathew.enders at prodigy.net>
> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 10:37:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Debian help
> On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 15:42 -0700, jack freeman wrote:
> > For the past few months I have been trying to get Debian to work on
> my
> > server with limited success. At first i could not get grub to load,
> > even taking it to the lug meeting turned up nothing. since then I
> have
> > been able to get it up and going but have not been able to get my
> mail
> > server working. Apache has been up and running but I had a problem
> > with a plug-in that i needed to get my photo album up and going
> trying
> > to fix that has messed the web server up. 
> > 
> > I am leaving the state in May and I really need to get this box up
> > before then. So here I go throwing myself at the feet of eveyone on
> > this list. I am looking to see if there is anyone out there that
> would
> > be willing to give me a hand with this. Im in the Ypsilanti area and
> > im willing to supply pizza and beer. I really hate doing things this
> > way but Im on a time crunch and comming to the Wash Lug meetings is
> > hard because I have school until 10.00pm tus and thr nights.
> > 
> When you say you brought it to the LUG meeting do you mean WLUG or
> MDLUG?  The confusion comes from the fact that you are posting to the
> MDLUG list but saying you have difficulty getting to the WLUG
> meetings.
> We (MDLUG) are having a meeting this Saturday at the regular place
> Gaudior Academy in Inkster if you could bring it in then maybe we
> could
> give you a hand.

Answer: Because it breaks the continuity of the ciscusion.

Question: Why is top posting a abd thing?

MDLUG's March meeting will be this coming Saturday, the 17th, 12:30 PM
at The Gaudior Academy located at 27100 Avondale Avenue in Inkster.

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