[mdlug] First impressions of Vista

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Thu Mar 15 11:34:46 EDT 2007

> From: Michael Corral

> Umm...I thought it was agreed that the subject of Iraq was
> off-limits on this list. Curious how no one has mentioned this yet.
> Hmm...where's the outrage?... ;)

 I replied on the mdlug-discuss list just a bit ago. If the thread
continues much longer here, I imagine there will be some outrage.


 Ray Ingles                                           (313) 227-2317

 "The computing industry is given 12 months to deploy a technology
 that does not exist and whose sole purpose is to protect profits.
 The car industry was allowed decades to deploy safety features such
    as seat belts and air bags that were designed to save lives."
   - Zeinfeld, on the SSSCA, a proposed law that would mandate all
 computers to prevent any file copying whatsoever unless explicitly
          approved by the entertainment conglomerates
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