[mdlug] Putting together some FUD-dispelling points

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Mon Mar 12 10:39:52 EDT 2007

Ingles, Raymond a ecrit:
> For a while I hung out on the comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, arguing
> with wintrolls regarding the merits and failings of Linux. The same
> points were brought up over and over, and I've tried to address the
> common stuff here:
> http://ingles.homeunix.org/rants/fud/linuxfud.html

Wow, the wintrolls accomplished their goal: getting you to waste your
time trying to win them over. My question is, why even bother?

That being said, I think what you wrote looks good for the most part.
The only things I'd pick a nit with are:
1. I think it's better to stay as distro-agnostic as possible when
discussing the benefits of Linux. I thought you way had too much of an
Ubuntu emphasis, only one mention of Suse and no mention of Fedora.

2. The 'Linux is "Too Hard To Use"' section is a little bit unfair to
Windows when discussing debugging app crashes. A lot of applications
in Windows do write useful information to the Event Logs, which are
easily viewable in the Event Viewer. A lot of Windows users don't know
about the Event Viewer, but then again a lot of Linux newbies don't
know how to debug Linux apps either. Also, you say "My wife uses Linux to
read email, surf the web, do word processing, watch amusing videos, etc.",
but didn't you just post to the list recently about how your wife was
giving up on OpenOffice and wanted to go back to MS Office? :)

3. The link "Linux only follows the work of others and does not innovate."
<http://ingles.homeunix.org/rants/fud/follower.html> appears to be broken.
I'm getting a 404 Not Found error when clicking on that.


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