[mdlug] Putting together some FUD-dispelling points

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Mar 12 08:59:10 EDT 2007

 For a while I hung out on the comp.os.linux.advocacy newsgroup, arguing
with wintrolls regarding the merits and failings of Linux. The same points
were brought up over and over, and I've tried to address the common stuff


 This isn't linked from my site anywhere yet, but if y'all could take a
look and offer criticism and suggestions, I'd be quite grateful.


 Ray Ingles                                                   (313) 227-2317

 The founder of the U.S. Christian Coalition said Tuesday he told President
 George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq that he should prepare Americans
   for the likelihood of casualties, but the president told him, "We're not
                        going to have any casualties."
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