[mdlug] Remote shell scripts via ssh?

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Thu Mar 1 08:25:56 EST 2007

> From: David Favro

> Ingles, Raymond wrote:
> >  ssh user at machine.a.org <local_script.sh
> >  doesn't work either.
> Why not?  Are you sure that it doesn't work?  It works for me just as
> you state it, although for efficiency I usually add the '-x' and '-T'
> arguments to ssh.  Perhaps your environment is different from mine.

 To be precise, simple scripts work, more complicated ones do not.

$ cat demo.sh 
#Setting 'UNIX95' is needed to get ps to behave POSIXly on AIX
export UNIX95
ps -e -o pcpu= -o comm= | sort -r -n | head -n 10 > top10.tmp
TOP10=`cat top10.tmp`
MAXIE=`echo ${TOP10} | cut -d" " -f 1`
echo "Biggest:"; echo ${MAXIE};
cat top10.tmp
rm top10.tmp

$ ssh user at host "/bin/sh -s " < demo.sh 
25.0 /usr/local/ccm/merge/bin/mergeahead
 0.3 /opt/OBSDssh/sbin/sshd
 0.2 fsflush
 0.2 /usr/sbin/nis_cachemgr
 0.1 ps
 0.1 csh
 0.1 /opt/OBSDssh/sbin/prngd
 0.0 xterm
 0.0 vi
 0.0 vi

$ ssh user at host < demo.sh 
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Warning: no access to tty; thus no job control in this shell...
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.8       Generic February 2000
You have new mail.
UNIX95=true: Command not found
export: Command not found
top10.tmp: File exists
TOP10=`cat top10.tmp`: Ambiguous
TOP10: Undefined variable
MAXIE=: Command not found
MAXIE: Undefined variable

 The scripts I'm working with need to run on as many Unix variants as
possible. And, ideally, it shouldn't be hard to write these scripts;
anything that would run on the remote host via "./script.sh" should
work remotely, too. So far, using "/bin/sh -s" seems to meet these
requirements, whereas just piping the script in raw does not...


 Ray Ingles                                       (313) 227-2317

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