[mdlug] [OT] Perspective
Michael Corral
micorral at comcast.net
Mon Jul 23 17:47:53 EDT 2007
2007-07-22, Monsieur M. D. Krauss a ecrit:
>> http://mywebpages.comcast.net/micorral/latexsig.jpg
>> It took me about 1 minute to figure out how to put that signature
>> image in the letter example I gave the other day (I made the signature
>> itself in the Gimp - you can tell I'm no graphic artist. :) ).
> I would like to see how, please. This is interesting.
I created an image file (sig.png) in the Gimp, about 0.5 inches
high and 2 inches long. Then I modified the letter.tex file:
\begin{letter}{Mr. Joe Smith\\1234 Main St.\\Anytown, MI 48123}
\address{Bob Linux\\666 Torvalds Rd \#69\\Mytown, MI 48456}
\signature{Bob Linux}
\opening{Dear Joe,}
This is my very first time using \LaTeX. I definitely like it. I will be
using it much more in the future. In fact, I plan to redo my r\'esum\`e
in it.
I hope you like the way this looks!
---end of code---
Then run "pdflatex letter.tex" and view the letter.pdf file.
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