[mdlug] [Fwd: Re: bios battery]

Wojtak, Greg GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Tue Jan 16 16:12:51 EST 2007

If you are just going to pitch it, what's the harm in attempting a fix?

* Gets ready to draw his soldering gun at ten paces... *

On 1/16/07 4:11 PM, "Garry Stahl" <tesral at comcast.net> wrote:

> Mike wrote:
>> It depends on how good you are with the solder gun ;-).  I've read stories
>> on the 'net about people replacing bad caps on their mobos, but I know
>> with my solder skills, I would fail horribly.
> With my solder skills I would destroy your computer, working on mine.
> So it depends on how much the repair vs. simply replacing it.
> Considering I could likely get an equivalent computer for $100 bucks
> with a little shopping, it likely isn't worth it.
> It's a 1.2 gig Celeron without an AGP slot.

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