[mdlug] DRM

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Wed Jan 10 12:38:10 EST 2007

> From: Ken Siersma

> On 1/10/07, Ingles, Raymond <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:

> I've also whipped up scripts to convert movies and DVDs to .avi files for
> my Treo 650. (Don't use that much, but it's fun to play with.)

> Question for you on that one - what app do you use in the scripts to create
> the AVI file?

 Mencoder, primarily.

> I've often found myself needing  to convert GIF animations to AVI movies,
> but end up using Windows to do it. 

 Huh. I haven't really had call to do that. Mostly .mov, .vob (DVD video),
.asf, and suchlike. Let's see. I think you could use ImageMagick's 'convert'
to extract the individual frames, and then run mencoder on the resulting
frames to make a movie. Something like this quick 'gif2avi' hack:


#Usage: first arg is animated gif to convert. Second arg is fps.
# (I couldn't find a quick command-line way of determining this from the
# GIF file. Ah, well.)


# Strip the leading dirname (if any) and the ".gif" off the end of the
# file to get the name of the movie we'll make. (Note: case-sensitive,
# won't handle ".GIF".)
AVINAME=`basename $1 .gif`

echo Converting '$1' with fps '${FRAMEPERSEC}' to '${AVINAME}'.

# Make a temp dir to store the frames. ('$$' is our PID.)
if [ -e ${TEMPYDIR} ]; then
 echo Temp dir '${TEMPYDIR}' already exists, aborting!
 exit -1
 echo Creating temp dir ${TEMPYDIR}.

mkdir /tmp/gif2avi-$$.dir

# Coalesce the gif file to make sure all the frames are of the same
# size. (This can take quite a while.)
echo Coalescing gif...
convert $1 -coalesce ${TEMPYDIR}/coalesce.gif

# Generates a bunch of 'frame####.jpg' files (at 100% quality so we don't
# lose any quality at this stage). Note: if you have more than 10,000
# frames you'll need to up the "%04" to add more digits.
echo Extracting frames...
convert -quality 100 ${TEMPYDIR}/coalesce.gif ${TEMPYDIR}/frame%04.jpg

# Actually make the movie.
echo Generating movie...
mencoder "mf://${TEMPYDIR}/frame*.jpg" -mf fps=${FRAMEPERSEC} -o ${AVINAME}.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4

# Clean up after ourselves.
echo Cleaning up tempdir...
rm -r ${TEMPYDIR}

 That should be pretty close to what you want...


 Ray Ingles                                            (313) 227-2317

 We were once willing to go nuclear to avoid secret prisons, torture,
          and indefinite detention. What happened? - Malor
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