[mdlug] GPL

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Wed Jan 10 11:40:07 EST 2007

bob dion wrote:
> Because the license it self is not protected or governed by the license 
> it self.
> Feel free to keep arguing if you wish.....
> BD
    Sorry, I moved into "philosophical musing mode" with that last post.

    It's just a funny thing to see that he will place an arbitrary 
demand upon the entire software industry, because he sees code (Which is 
just another form of written language, protected by copy right.) as 
needing to be free, yet requires his blessing for someone to take/modify 
his license. (Which is another form of written language, also protected 
by copy right.)

    A license is, after all, little more than information.

    Code is also little more than information.


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