[mdlug] (no subject)

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Wed Jan 10 10:31:49 EST 2007

David Favro a ecrit:
[snip lots of stuff]
I wrote up a small gawk script to accomplish this
[snip lots more stuff]

Well, that's all well and good, but I'm not going to
go through all the trouble of downloading mail messages
from MDLUG and running them through a gawk script and so on,
just to read some posts with really long lines in them.
I have better things to do with my time (though it may not
seem that I do :) ). No, I'll wait for that elusive
10-year-old programmer to fix Firefox/Opera/mailman/whatever.

Actually, it's only a handful of people on the list who use
the long lines. Usually, when I see those kinds of long lines
I don't even read the post.

> A final thought: all of this might be less of an issue if we could also
> dump that other "rule of netiquette" and give me the option to code my
> emails in HTML

Oh no, don't open that can of worms. We've been down that road before.

> (or some better formatting/markup language, please suggest one)

PostScript is far superior to HTML. I say we use that. :)


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