[mdlug] An Idea inspired by....

Michael Rudas (computer) MPR_Linux at Ameritech.net
Tue Jan 9 21:37:56 EST 2007

Garry Stahl wrote:

> Yea, I'll crack the camera to do a spot.

Isn't that why they invented plastic lenses?

But seriously-- twenty years ago, while speaking to an Amiga-programmer 
friend, I said "Windows isn't just an environment, it's a torture 
chamber."  My opinion hasn't changed much since.  If there's any way I 
can help with this, we may be able to get it shown on cable access 
channels locally, at the very least, which means DV cameras, lights, 
etc. may be available to us.

The (likely) slow uptake of Windows Vista may be our best ally.

-- Mikey

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