[mdlug] DRM

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Tue Jan 9 16:14:52 EST 2007

bob dion wrote:
> Robert Adkins wrote:
>>     As that day approaches, people will start walking away from those 
>> products. How well is the Zune doing, compared to the "equally" as DRM'd 
>> music player known as the iPod? With the iPod you can rip your CD's into 
>> MP3s and actually share those ripped CD's with friends. You can't do 
>> that with the Zune. With the iPod, you can buy MP3s from various online 
>> sites. The Zune doesn't even work with all the music services that 
>> Microsoft is part of. (Play4Sure ring a bell?)
> DRM is already effecting peoples fair use rights. My brother purchased a 
> couple songs from iTunes, he can Not copy them to his MP3 player. Not 
> that the format was different, but a Big DRM message came up and said 
> this was illegal.

Which of course, it is not... "Fair Use" allows one to use a
properly-paid for recording for one's own private use in any
way that one wants.  Listening to it on a 2nd system certainly
lies within the bounds mentioned above.

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