[mdlug] An Idea inspired by....

Michael Rudas (computer) mpr_linux at ameritech.net
Tue Jan 9 15:17:08 EST 2007

--- Garry Stahl <tesral at comcast.net> wrote:

> Mike wrote:

> > I'm completely for about 85%+ of 
> > the same stuff he is "for" but he
> > is, as you said, a complete lunatic.

> You say that like it was a BAD thing.

Quoting Barry Goldwater, a man whose politics I never
agreed with, but whose integrity I have never
questioned (besides, he was a ham radio operator!):

"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of
liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that
moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

 Yes, RMS is over-the-top, but often an extreme
opinion has merit-- even if only to define the edges
of the discussion.

-- Mikey

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