[mdlug] Naked/"dry loop" DSL and Linux-friendly ISPs

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 13:20:50 EST 2007

When the guys came a set up my internet the set needed a hand shake of some kind and I had to talk to tech support to get it up.  
  Most IPS's assume that no one has Linux.  
  I hear in IT departments that they provide solutions for 80% of there users, for early solutions.  
  Yes the ISP's that ARE Linux frendly should be high lighted.  But in most cases it is TCP/IP and net work setup.  
  My question is,  "Is there a set up guide for Non-Linux ISP's?"

Garry Stahl <tesral at comcast.net> wrote:
  David Lane wrote:
> When I was setting up my Concast We first had to set up the windows pc
> then my router cloned the windows pc. 
Didn't have that problem myself. My current router and Modem has never
seen windows. While the corporate stance might not support Linux, I
actually had a guy in the Plymouth call center thank me for running
Linux, unofficially of course.

Garry AKA --Phoenix-- Rising above the Flames.

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