[mdlug] HTML editor

Robert Meier eaglecoach at wwnet.com
Wed Feb 7 07:40:10 EST 2007


> I am looking for an html editor. Nothing fancy: static pages with 
> text, tables and images. I'd like to be able to edit in source mode, 
> and be able to move things around in WYSIWYG mode. Any recommendations?

I've used Quanta Plus, kde's html source editor with success.
     + wysiwym editor by default
       + emacs-style entry
         + select tag by pallet button or hotkey
	 + parameters set by fill-in-form, keyboard, or copy-and-paste
	   - fill-in-forms are limited
       + always generates syntactically correct source
     + selectable source view and text edit
       + wysiwym view is tolerant of bad source
     + selectable preview
       - konqueror style only
       + reports source errors

I've also used Composer, Netscape's html source editor with success.
     + wysiwym editor by default
       o fill-in-form style entry (i.e. select tag, then fill-in-form)
       + always generates syntactically correct source
       - doesn't tolerate bad source, display gets "confused"
     o selectable source view
       - not edittable nor searchable
       + easy save/refresh couples with outside text editor (e.g. emacs)
     + selectable preview
       - navigator style only

Of course, I've also used emacs with success (though not recently)
     + source view and text edit
       + compile against dtd
         + reports errors
         + moves editor to error location
     + selectable preview
       + calls your choice of browser
     o electric-mode
       + tolerates bad source
       + always generates syntactically correct source
     - no wysiwym or wysiwyg

Hopefully helpful,
Dr. Robert J. Meier

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