[mdlug] Network backup options

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Sun Feb 4 14:21:42 EST 2007

R Kannan wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who offered help on this thread.
> I used tar as suggested by Carl and backed up all my partitions. 
> However, while backing up '/', tar complained about files under 'proc' 
> (may be I don't need to back them up at all)  and I had to use 

/proc is a SEPERATE filesystem, it contains ZERO, what I would call "durable"
files... /proc represents the current STATE of a running computer system.

/proc is mostly about the CURRENT processes on a computer...

doing a restore to /proc just doesn't make any sense... it would be like,
after a wave of infection by a lethal, pandemic virus (say, the 1918-20
influenza pandemic which killed off probably 100,000,000 worldwide), that
colleges and businesses re-opened, and to replace the missing, put
mannequins in their place.

> '--ignore-failed-read' to make that work. I am hoping that did not cause 
> any harm. The compressed files are about half the size and I could back 
> them up on DVDs.

how about just using --one-file-system

> The harddrive on my desktop seemed to have stabilized after 'fsck'ing 
> the partitions but I guess I cannot take any chances. I will use the 
> scripts that I have generated to do future backups often till I install 
> a replacement drive.
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