[mdlug] Network backup options

R. Kannan rkannan at peoplepc.com
Sat Feb 3 22:08:36 EST 2007

 "Carl T. Miller" <millerc at cantonpl.org> wrote:
>Sent: Feb 3, 2007 9:18 PM
>To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
>Subject: Re: [mdlug] Network backup options
>greenproc wrote:
>> You could boot with System Rescue CD, or Knoppix, or even to your desktop
>> if
>> it's not too instable, and then scp the partitions to a directory on your
>> laptop
>> -- but that won't work unless you're happy to tar and compress once it's
>> on your
>> laptop.
>Actually it is possible to tar it before it arrives at the
>laptop.  Boot from a Knoppix CD and run the tar command
>output to ssh.  Something like this:
>tar cvz / | ssh user at laptop "cat > ~/desktop.tar.gz"
>Or if you want to copy the entire partition gzipped:
>gzip /dev/hda1 | ssh user at laptop "cat > ~/desktop.hda1.gz"
Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. But one question on the second command. 'man gzip' did not have a whole lot of details on using gzip on a device. How do I write back the contents on a partition like...

gunzip desktop.hda1.gz /dev/hdb1


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