[mdlug] I need a script Hero

Wojtak, Greg GregWojtak at quickenloans.com
Fri Feb 2 08:00:21 EST 2007

Oh wait, I forgot... POSIX shell and Korn shell have a half-hearted
implementation of command completion.  If you hit the Esc
 key twice, if the shell finds more than one option, it does nothing.  bash
on the other hand, will prompt you to display the matches it found.



On 2/2/07 7:57 AM, "Wojtak, Greg" <GregWojtak at quickenloans.com> wrote:

> *cough*HP-UX*cough*
> On 2/1/07 5:04 PM, "Aaron Kulkis" <akulkis3 at hotpop.com> wrote:
>> Ingles, Raymond wrote:
>>>> From: Aaron Kulkis
>>>>> I agree that file extensions, while optional, are often a
>>>> good option.
>>>> But not on scripts that are meant to be commands....
>>>  With tab completion, it's not an issue. :->
>> If all shells had it...it wouldn't be....
>> And it's not consistant on those that have it...
>> csh and bash don't agree, and probably never will
>> And I can never COUNT on EVRRY system that I admin having
>> bash, or having csh... or either, for that matter....
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