[mdlug] What to give a Software Programmer interested in Linux

Peter Bart peter at petertheplumber.net
Mon Dec 3 15:17:43 EST 2007

On Mon, 3 Dec 2007 09:19:47 -0500
"Ingles, Raymond" <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:

> > From: Michael Corral
> > But if the goal is to do actual Linux programming, then learning
> > things like Emacs, vi, bash, and various command-line utilities
> > (grep, sort, sed, awk, etc.) is important, IMHO. Being comfortable
> > on the command line and "gluing" various tools together is still a
> > big part of the Linux/UNIX "way", certainly for programmers. Emacs
> > is a good way of getting introduced to all that, with all the ways
> > it has of interacting with the OS (and other things:).
>  If the goal is indeed to do Linux programming, then Eric Raymond's
> book "The Art of Unix Programming" would be quite valuable:
>  http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/taoup/
>  The whole book is available online, or you can buy it from various
> places.

	Thank you all for your suggestions! I emailed my friend the
link  to the thread in the archive so he can decide for himself. 
	It's kind of worrysome to think *I* have a protege ;)

Best Regards,

Peter The Plumber sm on the Road

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