[mdlug] More OOCalc math wonkiness

Raymond McLaughlin driveray at ameritech.net
Sat Dec 1 20:59:58 EST 2007

Drew wrote:
 >      The Beta version was what was on the Fedora Core disk, and I

Ouch! Mark one big one against Fedora Core, unless the whole thing was a
pre-release distro.

> hadn't noticed that it was Beta - the indicating text was nearly
> the same color as the background on the startup logo.
> Henceforth I'm using the OO 2.0 that's on my Kanotix image. 
> However I have discovered that I can't just load in the old
> spreadsheets with it; somehow or other they still behave in a Beta
> fashion if I do. It seems it's necessary to re-type in everything by 
> hand in order to get the benefits of non-Beta...

One slightly easier method might be as follows: Open the offending
document and a new document in adjacent windows. In the bad one select
Tools->Options...->OpenOffice.org Calc->View->Display and check the bx
labeled "Formulas". Although this seems to be a global setting it
doesn't seem to affect other open windows. And no great shakes if it
does, you can always change the view setting back when you are done.

>From this point you should be able to select and copy and paste you
numbers and formulas from the old sheet to the new one. They *should*
all display as text, and be unchanged from what you entered, as opposed
to the XML that the app interprets it to be. And when pasted into the
new doc it *should* act the same as if you had typed it in.

I know there's a lot of *should*s in all that, but it's definitely worth
trying before going to the trouble of retyping all you work.

I hope this helps
Raymond McLaughlin

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