[mdlug] Mailserver outage...

Rich Clark <rrclark@rrclark.net> rrclark at rrclark.net
Mon Aug 6 22:26:53 EDT 2007

On Mon, 6 Aug 2007, Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net> wrote:

> I'm still looking at logs to find out what happened, but some time last 
> week amavis seized up and stopped delivery of all mail to the LUG server. 
> You all should be seeing a deluge of delayed mail now. I'll update as to 
> what the deal as once I learn more.

For inexplicable reasons, it seems that amavis crapped out on August 1 
when for some reason the amavis daemon was restarted, probably as part of 
the log-rollover files. Again, I'm still looking to find the problem to 
ensure it won't happen at 1 September.

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