[mdlug] [(DIS)RECOMMENDATIONS] used/new laptop

Carl T. Miller millerc at cantonpl.org
Fri Apr 27 17:13:55 EDT 2007

Robert Meier wrote:
> I am looking for (dis)recommendations for a used (or new) laptop.
> My principle uses include (most-frequent -> least frequent):
>    o portable development environment (e.g. text editting)
>    o portable training environment (e.g. java sandbox, flight simulator)
>    o presentations (via local web server)
>    o portable data entry (e.g. PS/2 barcode scanning)
>    o sound recording
>    o household appliance programming/control
> At this time, my priniciple desired features include (most to least
> important):
>    o long battery life (> 2hr)
>      o inexpensive (non-proprietary) battery type
>    o coaxial power supply plug (to use cheap power supplies at common
> sites)
>      o ideally 12V for car use
>    o robust
>    o many output options (e.g. SVGA, TV)
>    o mid to hi-fi sound input/output
>    o support for wireless (either builtin or cardbus)
>    o parallel port/serial port (preferably builtin)
>    o usb-2.0

Dr. Bob, the last time I needed to buy a laptop I spec'ed out
one from Dell that I liked.  I compared it to other ones, and
Best Buys' online website had a deal on an Averatec with a rebate.
The Averatec didn't come with Dell's name or warranty, but it
was 1/3 the price of the Dell model.  I remembered thinking it
was worth the gamble, because I could buy two of these if I
had to and still come out ahead.  That was two years ago and
I've had no problems.

Other than more memory and a faster hard drive, I haven't
needed to get replacement parts--so I can't vouch for how
easy it is to get parts.  The 6200 series plays DVDs and
has svideo out, but no parallel or serial ports.  I'm not
sure what features are currently built in on current models,
but it would be worth looking at what they have to offer.


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