[mdlug] Some issues with the "ps" command

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Fri Apr 13 12:48:26 EDT 2007

 Can anyone name a variant of Linux where the following command doesn't work?

 ps -ae -o pid -o user -o pcpu -o pmem -o args

 We've run into a situation where an old version of Red Hat EL 3 wouldn't run
either of these:

 ps -ae -o pid,user,pcpu,pmem,args
 ps -ae -o pid -o user -o %cpu -o %mem -o args

 ...but it *would* run the first one. We're striving for maximal portability,
so if anyone can name a Linux variant that can't run that one, I'd really like
to hear about it.


 Ray Ingles                                      (313) 227-2317

 "Hope costs. Once you concede that problems can be solved, you
  have to get up off your ***. Despair, by contrast, is cheap,
    self-powering, eliminates unwanted guilt, and requires -
            permits - no effort." - Spider Robinson
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