[mdlug] Pre-release of Alpine is out

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Thu Nov 30 15:19:08 EST 2006

For all you Pine users (and ex-Pine users) out there, you may
be interested to know that the first pre-release of Alpine
just came out. Alpine is a re-worked Pine, but licensed under
the Apache 2.0 license (so it will be able to be included in
distros that only accept Free/Open-Source software), plus it
has a whole new underlying "core". It is still under the auspices
of the University of Washington.

To try it out, go to this page and follow the instructions for
subscribing to the mailing list: http://www.washington.edu/alpine
(the page says the target date was Oct 1, but that's out of date).
Once you're subscribed, you'll get instructions on where to get
the source code. I just compiled it on my FC4 machine at work,
doing a simple "./configure; make", and it seems to work fine.
I'm using it to send this message. :)


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