[mdlug] Video -> gif conversion software?

M. D. Krauss zeros0and1ones at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 24 19:42:40 EST 2006

Wojtak, Greg wrote:
> I am looking for some software to convert video¹s (mpg, avi, mov, wmv? ) to
> animated gif¹s.  Does anyone know of any software that can do this?  Special
> bonus points awarded if the software compiles on Mac OS X in addition to
> Linux. :)
I don't know about OS X but you can do this in the GIMP, if you have GAP 
(Gimp Animation Package) installed.  It is packaged as gimp-gap under 
Debian, and once installed you'll find it under the new "Video" menu, 
under "Split video to frames".  Never used it, so I can't say how it works.


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