[Mdlug] net neutrality ?

dean mdlug at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 19 09:58:55 EST 2006

Hello, has the already been covered on this list?   If so, sorry to 
bring it back up.    But I was just out on linuxtracker, and I saw a 
link to a site that covered this issue.   I emailed Stabenow and 
Levin.   Neither are decided yet on the issue.     Is anyone on this 
list on the side of the telcos?    This sounds like an issue what would 
only hurt us if "our side" lost.  (Is there an "our side" or are people 
divided?).     m$ paying the telcos to block or degrade any site that 
allows distro downloads, etc.   Using whatever bizarre 
justification.      Curious, Dean

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