[mdlug] OT: Retro Computing

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 16:39:31 EST 2006

On 12/29/06, Michael Corral <micorral at comcast.net> wrote:

> I certainly hope that all future discussions about Iraq are indeed moved
> to some other list, like the mdlug-discuss list. In my opinion, Iraq
> should never have been brought up by Aaron in the first place, though he
> seems to have escaped the wrath I've incurred. Bit of a double-standard

Yes, the off-topic was started by somebody else, but it wasn't (IMO)
an egregious breach of etiquette. Your reply was shot out of a
flamethrower, with no respect for the fact that the men and women
serving our country over there are risking their lives *as is their
duty*. Double standard? Not quite. Two entirely different cases.One
inflammatory, one not. Clearly the inflammatory case is more deserving
of wrath.

AOL IM: wolf4coyot
Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer
Skype: wolfger88

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